Hellllooooo Harvard!
Today was my first time in Boston, and in the east coast for that matter. Last time I flew in an air plane I was seven-years old. I was not ready for the ride, I wanted to vomit when we departed, and when we landed. The weather was quite hot, hotter than Phoenix! I walked around Cambridge, met strangers, and explored Harvard. This is amazing, on the Southwest air plane ride I just kept thinking… Wow God, is this real? Is this my life?
Looking at the clouds from the plane was inspiring, looking at what the creator had made leaves me in awe. We are so small yet so valuable at the same time. I know there is a special plan for my life, and I want other students who are undocumented to realize this same thing. I know there is a reason why I am undocumented. I know there is a reason for all the struggles. (Being Scared to drive, speak up, can not vote, no place to live, family separated because of immigrant hate ect, ect, ect…)
I cant wait to see all of this play out.
Today I googled information about students that are fighting for the Dream Act here in Cambridge and I am going to contact them, and bring all of my experience and continue in this struggle. I am excited to meet new Dreamers, and tell everyone here about what is happening in Arizona, with all the crazy, hateful, and unjust propositions and people.
I am so excited, and am praying to meet the right people who can help me find scholarships!!
Si Se Puede!
Si Se Pudo!
y Si Se Podra!
Que Lindo es Dios!
Sabes que te quiero mucho Silvia y que Dios te Bendiga hoy y siempre y que la lucha del dream act sigua porque si se puede!! Te Quiero Mucho!!!
So happy for you!!!!!!
Congratulations! Blessings to you from all of us, we love you. This is your dream come true 😀 and the dream of many who tought que no era posible que algo asi le sucediera a una paisana, echale muchas ganas y representanos con orgullo! SI SE PUEDE !
si se puede silvia……………….y si te digo que se de algo que puede cambiar tu vida y es mucho mejor que harvard…………………………