13 responses

  1. Truly inspiring. I hope Don Francisco helped you reach your goal 🙂

    what’s next? Oprah??

  2. Silvia,

    Congratulations on Harvard! I am a DREAM student as well and I am so proud and humbled of the work you have been doing/continue to do for our community. I, too, am applying to graduate programs (but in the health care field) after graduating with a BA from a small liberal arts school in the Midwest. I believe education is our way to success.

    I had a question for you, how are you able to fly around country? I’ve read your blog and you seem to use planes quite often. Do you just use a passport? If it’s easier, perhaps we could correspond through email.


  3. Silvia! Oh my goodness! I really enjoyed watching this. I was smiling the whole time! You gave such great answers, staying so positive, and I loved how you answered the question about love with your love for the community. That was so beautiful! You are so beautiful Silvia! You are great and your soul inspires my soul. Thank you Silvia for all that you do! 🙂

  4. What are the requirements for the Dream Act?
    I graduated in 2009 got accepted for college but could not go becuase of how much it was. I’m I still eligible for the Dream Act?

  5. Hello Giovanna,

    Under the current DREAM Act (which Harry Reid has promised to bring up for vote on the 29th of November) you would be eligible for conditional residency if:

    -You were brought when you were under 16 years old
    -You have “good moral character” (not going to jail, no record)
    -Then they give you the chance to go graduate from a two year college, or have done two years towards a four year degree. But they do not give you instate tuition (except if you live in a state that has already ruled a instate/outstate tuition law)
    -OR if you dont want to go to college you can go into the military for two years. (but the military wont let you serve for only teo years, you must commit to a 4 or 6 year service)

    My advise is to take at least 1 college class a semester…they are cheaper, and at least you are in school!
    Let me know if you have any questions..
    I’m not sure if I am forgetting anything but here is a website for more information:

    The Dream Act has become very controversial over the militarization, the down play of education, and removal of community service component…

  6. @ Silvia – “Train up a child in the way he/she should go, and when he/she is old he/she will not depart from it.” – PROVERBS 22:6 (RSV)

    From: Silvia/Sylvia Rodriguez

  7. @ Silvia – “Train up a child in the way he/she should go, and when he/she is old he/she will not depart from it.” – PROVERBS 22:6 (RSV)

    From: Silvia/Sylvia Rodriguez

  8. Hey Silvia,
    My name is Nelsy, I’m 19, mexican and undocumented. Your story is very inspiring, I will like to help you, but I would like to learn from you as well. I know you must have a busy life, but contact me whenever you can, NMHR@live.com. Take care.

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